March 15, 2010

Adventure Ed News & Culture

I was checking out the blog for the Association for Experiential Education and saw that their blog roll was a little short. As is my wont I complained about this on Twitter and got a quick reply back from @AssnforEE, nice!

So I decided to drag the ol' Burleigh Blog kicking and screaming out of retirement (actually Taylor is doing a great job of that already) and post some links to my favorite adventure ed blogs (in no particular order).

Coffee, Rainwater & Chalkboards in Ethopia & Beyond

This is the blog of my old friend Adam, a Prescott College Grad, NOLSie (though I don't hold that against him) and current VSO volunteer in Ethopia. It's a
good read, even if he doesn't always stay on topic.

News, Opinion & Trip Reports

This sometimes irreverent but always well written and far ranging blog covers all sorts of mountain news, culture and media. Written by a frequent contributor to well known print mags.

Team Building Blog

Although already collecting a nod on the AEE blog, Michael Cardus deserves another mention. His blog is chock full of team building goodness. Anyone who can do this with mouse traps deserves a click of the 'subscribe' button.

Mt. McKinley Glacier Landings & Scenic Flights

Although I didn't use TAT when I flew into Denali in 1998 (holy crap, that was more than 10 years ago!) they win the best blog in town award for their beautiful photography, trip reports and Alaskan humor.

Although everyone in Carhart Land disowned me back when I stopped living in my car, they are going to do it all over again now that I'm mentioning this great blog. It's a sweet dose of leadership, instructor profiles, school news and industry info.

Learn from Others' Mistakes (and Triumphs)

This blog is just like Accidents in North American Mountaineering except without all the boring charts. Rate this one 'Daily Dose of Cringe +10.'

Experiential & Organizational Learning in East Lothien

A refreshing British Perspective on our industry. Very consistent and thoughtful writing.


  1. thank you for the mention - I agree there are not very many of us. Also I am glad that you are being active again with your blog.

  2. Yeah - no doubt! Well one post might not be quite 'active'... I'm trying to get back on the horse though.
