First Week of Sugaring: A Report
So a week and a half ago Clara and Caren and I tapped some trees
9 trees in all, 16 taps total.
We collected over the course of the week and boiled last friday (see the video below).
She's a boilin!
It started to snow. We ended up getting a foot!
We started with about 30 gal of sap total and ended up with a half gallon of syrup.
The next morning, we had to have a pancake party. When you have people over in New Hampshire in winter, you end up with a lot of boots!
Also, Clara is cuter than most things I've encountered.
* We need more light up there especially when it's time to finish the syrup (it is a somewhat delicate process).
* We're going to boil the sap at a deeper level in the main pan for the next boil hoping to increase the speed of the evaporation.
*Need a rig with more surface area.
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