May 25, 2006

They're BACK!

Everyone is back safe from the woods!

Here are the groups arriving back on campus.

Some tired but proud faces emerged from the busses Thursday morning as the Sophomores returned from expedition. But they weren't done quite yet. First groups had to unpack and sort their belongings from the group gear, clean pots, bowls and spoons and return everything to the gear room.

By taking good care of the school's equipment the students are setting up next year's expedition to be a success.

Here's Shaffer and his crew with a good pack explosion going on.

Juniors Ty, Tom and Victor are on hand to welcome the Sophomores back to campus - perhaps they recall their own expedition just a year ago.

Students set up and carefully air out our new Marmot tents so they can be packed complete with all their parts and dry for the summer.

Ali and Bri seem tired, but quite happy to be back!

Finally everything was cleaned up, put away and ship shape. Students went off to well deserved showers and staff debriefed and wrapped up.

What a trip! Snow, rain, peaks, valleys, hi's & lows. We wrapped up the whole trip this morning (Friday) by sharing stories and showing the expedition slide show. Here's Russ and Jon's group sharing their hi's and lows with the rest of the class.

Thank you parents for all of your thoughts, concerns and positive energy you were sending to your children. It has been great to hear from you!

Stay tuned here for a link to the slide show which I should have on the net next week.

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